Career Counseling/ Career Exhibition in Schools and Colleges

After the exams of Madhyamik or +2 Stages the guardians become worried about the future of their wards. Ultimately guardians with their ward start for unknown destination to South or West India to get admission of their ward in a college preferably in science education. Sometimes it happens that the college was not affiliated to any University and ultimately money, time and the career of the ward is doomed. It was under the above scenario that career counseling has been started as a statewide campaign starting with speeches in All India radio on 04.12.2006 and 05.02.2007 and then in Schools and colleges.

Under Directorate of Employment Services and Manpower Planning, Govt. of Tripura, 1-day Career Counselling programmes and 2-day Career Exhibition programmes are organised in different Schools/Colleges/other Institutes for Education. The Departmental officers explain unemployment scenario of the state, the country, avenues for future employment, the need for skill up gradation,students put queries and the Director/Department officers - answer to the queries. Tips to students are also discussed in details. etc.

For the FY- 2020-21, there is a target of conducting 98 Careeer Counselling throughout the State.

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